Getting Borrow Credit from Du? Read How to Take Loan

Du is the second largest network in the United Arab Emirates and one of its best services is Du Loan Balance. Customers can get a loan amount of AED 5 from Du if there is no credit in the SIM in difficult situations. On the next recharge, they will be able to pay back AED 5 and some service charges. When you need loan credit you can simply use the below given method and USSD code. Because most new customers don’t know How to take loan in Du or Borrow Credit from Du so here are the complete details.

How to take loan in du?

Prepaid Du UAE customers can get AED 5 instant by sending an SMS to 1080 or dialing *108#. Once you dial this USSD code and send SMS “5” to 1080, AED 5 will automatically be credited to your phone balance. AED 1 + 5% VAT and AED 5 will be charged on your next recharge.

Who is Eligible for Loan Services?

  • Only 3 months old customers can get Du loan service
  • To get the loan users should use a minimum of AED 10 per month on the internet, calls, and SMS.
  • User has not already borrowed credit from Du

Du provides 2 types of services on loan credit “Auto Out of Credit” and “ON, OFF”.

Du Loan credit can be got by using the Du UAE app or dialling *108# and follow the instructions.

Du Auto Out of Credit Loan Service:

With Auto Out of Credit, du automatically provides a loan credit every time the customer’s balance drops below a certain amount. You can activate this sevice by following the instructions:

  • Activate: Dial *108# and reply with 2 or send SMS “AUTO ON” to 1080.
  • Deactivate: Go to messages and send SMS “AUTO OFF” to 1080.

Du Loan On & OFF Service:

On Off allows customers to borrow a specific amount of credit once they run out of balance. It is a one-time loan service that will be deducted the next time the customer recharges.

Method 1: Go to messages and send “5” to 1080 to get the Du loan of AED 5.

Method 2: Dial USSD Code:

  1. Dial *108# from Du number
  2. Type “1” and tap “Send”
  3. In short time, AED 5 will be credited into your Du balance

You cannot get a loan again until you repay the previous amount. AED 1 + 5% service charges and AED 5 total AED 6 will be deducted from your account on next recharge when you can successfully avail AED 5 loan. If you don’t know that you have already borrowed money, then write “BALANCE” and send it to 1080 from your number. You will recive a SMS with your current loan status.

How to borrow credit from du online

You can Borrow credit from du online using the du app. To get the loan, you have to login to your account and navigate to Value Added Services > Out of Credit > Subscribe. Follow the instructions to borrow credit from du online:

  1. Open the Du UAE app from your mobile phone
  2. Log in to your account using the Du number or username or password
  3. Open the “My Account” tab
  4. If you have low credits “Out of Credit” service will appear under Balance details. You can tap on it or also follow the instructions.
  5. Go to Value Added Services or search it
  6. Look for Out of Credit and tap on Subscribe button
  7. Confirm the service activation to get a loan of AED 5.

All those Du customers can get advance balance who have been using SIM for more than 3 months and used a minimum of AED 10 in a month. If you took the loan, you need to return it by recharging your account online. Customers can easily check the borrow credit status from the Du app for free by going to my account > active services.

Also read: How to Check Du Number in UAE for Free

What is Zero Credit Call and How to Get it?

This service is useful in situations where users have no credit to call and want to get someone in touch. Under this service, users can call any local and international number from DU without balance for a maximum of three minutes.

To make a call without balance, call any number and wait for a while until the beep sound is heard. Initially, the company will tell you that there is no balance but if you don’t hang up the call you will get a call after a beep and you can make this call for a maximum of 3 minutes. The service charges of AED 1.50 (+5% VAT) per call will be deducted from the next recharge, but you will have to pay this when your call is connected after beep.


How to borrow credit from Du?

Go to the messages, Type “5” and send it to 1080.

How to check your Out of Credit balance and eligibility

To check your Out of Credit balance and eligibility simply send “Balance” and send to 1080. You will receive a SMS with details of your eligibility status.

What to do when I am not able to get loan service?

You can get help by sending “HELP” to 1080.

How can i change language using the loan menu?

It is simple to change the language, Type
– “E” for English
– “A” for Arabic
– “H: for Hindi
and send it to 1080.

How to opt-out of low-balance SMS notifications?

Send “OPTOUT” to 1080 to opt-out from low balance SMS.

How to subscribe to low balance notification when low credits.

To subscribe to Low Balance Notifications send SMS “OPTIN” to 1080. Once you have subscribed to this service when you do not have enough credit you will receive an SMS.

PlanUAE Team
PlanUAE Team

The Planuae Team consists of experts in telecom and consumer services in the UAE. They specialize in comparing plans, uncovering the latest deals, and providing reliable guides to help UAE residents make informed decisions.

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